Easily find out the qibla direction for Panchbibi (Bangladesh) here. Easily find out the qibla direction and the qibla angle for Panchbibi in online maps. You will experience the ease of finding the qibla direction from the satellite without schedule for Panchbibi. Find your location on the online map. You will get your Qibla direction line instantly. You will also be given your qibla angle for the compass.
Qibla Angle for Panchbibi (Bangladesh) is 265.24° degree (according to the true north) Find the 262.08° degree following a clockwise route beginning from the north. Thus, you can perform your prayers towards that direction. Remember that the qibla angle is measured according to the true north. Please remember to take the magnetic field into consideration while using this compass. You are also advised to consider the magnetic declination between Qibla angle for compass and for the true north. Yet, the qibla angle provided by us should be enough.